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 Novel Treatment Options for Hypertension [ENG] November 03 (Fri) 09:15-10:30 Room A
Chairperson(s) Wook-Jin Chung(Gachon University)
Hironori Nakagami(Japan)
09:15-09:35 Pathophysiology of Hypertension for Novel Treatment Jong Chan Youn(Catholic University)
09:35-09:55 Development of Therapeutic Vaccine for Hypertension Hironori Nakagami(Japan)
09:55-10:15 SiRNA and Other Novel Therapeutics for Hypertension Jin Wi(Gachon University)
10:15-10:30 Panel Discussion In-Jeong Cho(Ewha Womans University)
Seong-Hoon Choi(Hallym University)
Ran Heo(Hanyang University)
 Opening Ceremony November 03 (Fri) 10:50-11:10 Room A
 Young Investigator Award [ENG] November 03 (Fri) 11:20-12:20 Room A
Chairperson(s) Jong-Won Ha(Yonsei University)
Jin Ho Shin(Hanyang University)
Judges Yong Hyun Park(Pusan National University)
Jung-Sun Cho(Catholic University)
Gyu Chul Oh(Catholic University)
11:20-11:30 Risk Factors Associated with the Initiation and Progression of Mitral Annular Calcification: A Two-Step Process Kyung An Kim(Catholic University)
11:30-11:40 Long Term Impact of Mildly Reduced Renal Function in Hypertensive Patients Huijin Lee(Seoul National University)
11:40-11:50 Impact of Amlodipine on Clinical Outcomes for Heart Failure in Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy: a Korean Nationwide Cohort Study Sunga Bae(Yonsei University)
11:50-12:00 Mitochondrial Transplantation as a Novel Therapy for Preeclampsia - Proof of Concept Hui Xing Cui(Seoul National University)
12:00-12:10 Characteristics According to Frailty Status among Older Korean Patients with Hypertension Jung-Yeon Choi(Seoul National University)
12:10-12:20 Comparing Blood Pressure Measurements between Sitting in Chairs and Sitting on the Floor Byung Sik Kim(Hanyang University)
 Luncheon Symposium I [Boryung] November 03 (Fri) 12:40-13:10 Room A
Chairperson(s) 김송이(제주의대)
12:40-13:10 Optimal Treatment Strategy for Intensive BP Control with Fimasartan Combination Therapy 오규철(가톨릭의대)
 Epidemiology Working Group : Global Epidemiology of Hypertension [ENG] November 03 (Fri) 13:35-14:50 Room A
Chairperson(s) Hyeon Chang Kim(Yonsei University)
Daichi Shimbo(USA)
13:35-13:50 Prevalence and Management of Hypertension in the US Daichi Shimbo(USA)
13:50-14:05 Prevalence and Management of Hypertension in Europe Neil Poulter(UK)
14:05-14:20 Prevalence and Management of Hypertension in Singapore Chadachan Veerendra(Singapore)
14:20-14:35 Prevalence and Management of Hypertension in Korea Ho-Kyou Lee(Yonsei University)
14:35-14:50 Panel Discussion Hack-Lyoung Kim(Seoul National University)
Ju Mi Lee(Chungnam National University)
Ju-Hee Lee(Chungbuk National University)
Hyeok-Hee Lee(Yonsei University)
 Hypertension and Neurological Comorbidities [ENG] November 03 (Fri) 15:00-16:15 Room A
Chairperson(s) Kyung-Kuk Hwang(Chungbuk National University)
Ju-han Kim(Chonnam National University)
15:00-15:15 Association between BP Variability and Ischemic Stroke Hee-Sun Lee(Seoul National University)
15:15-15:30 BP Variability and Parkinson's Disease and BP Management Kyum-Yil Kwon(Soonchunhyang University)
15:30-15:45 BP management in patient with Cognitive Impairment/Dementia Hyun-Jin Kim(Hanyang University)
15:45-16:00 Giraffe: A Natural Animal Model for Resistance to HFpEF Barbara Natterson-Horowitz(USA)
16:00-16:15 Panel Discussion Bum-Joon Kim(Ulsan University)
Dae-Hwan Bae(Chungbuk National University)
Won-Woo Seo(Hallym University)
 Hypertension and Cerebrovascular Diseases [ENG] November 03 (Fri) 16:25-17:40 Room A
Chairperson(s) Jong-Moo Park(Eulji University)
Jiguang Wang(China)
16:25-16:40 Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension : New Clinical Updates Sung-Jin Chung(Catholic University)
16:40-16:55 Hypertension and Stroke in Asia Yuda Turana(Indonesia)
16:55-17:10 Impact of Anti-hypertensive Therapy on Cerebral Function Networks and Connectivity Giuseppe Lembo(Italy)
17:10-17:25 Hypertension Management in AF Patients Sung-Ha Park(Yonsei University)
17:25-17:40 Panel Discussion Hye-Sun Seo(Soonchunhyang University)
Jae-Sung Lim(Ulsan University)
Dae Young Cheon(Hallym University)

상단으로 이동

The Korean Society of Hypertension
(06168) 508, Samseong-ro, Gangnam-gu (LG Twintel II), Seoul, Korea, 1811
Hypertension Seoul 2024 Secretariat
Tel. +82-2-6278-9000 I Fax. +82-504-084-8560
Operating Hours: 10:00-18:00 (KST)
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Seoul Tourism Organization

COPYRIGHT (C) The Korean Society of Hypertension ALL RIGHTS RESERVED